Komisch - die letzten Tage bin ich einfach nur müde. Ich könnt schlafen und schlafen, und trotzdem werde ich in der Früh nicht munter. Ich glaub das Wochenende verbleibe ich auf der Couch. Zum aufmuntern dazwischen gibt es hübsche Musik, die ich beim FM4 hören entdeckt habe. Ach ja: FM4 hat übrigens einen Trackservice - da kann man die Musik der letzten vier Tage nachvollziehen. Wenn ich das nächste Mal eine super Nummer höre, muss ich mir nur mehr merken, zu welcher Uhrzeit, diese gespielt worden ist, und schon weiss, um welches Lied es sich handelt.
Nun aber endgültig zur Musi: Bishop Allen: CLICK CLICK CLICK usw.
(Der Song ist anscheinend auch für eine Kamerawerbung verwendet worden, was zum Glück an mir vorbeigegangen ist). Die Nummer kann man übrigens auch hier downloaden.
I had ducked out of the rain
Into Maria's wedding day
And I sat there with her friends
And with her family
And I was happy
I wasn't someone they'd invite
Because I didn't know the groom
Or know the bride
But when I stood next to her brother
For the photograph
He was laughing
Take another picture with your click, click, click, click camera
Sure, I've got pictures of my own
Of the people and the places that I've known
Here's one: I'm carrying your suitcase
Outside of Alphabet City
But in someone else's life
Where Maria is a wife
I'm on the mantle in the corner of the photograph
Smiling pretty
Take another picture with your click, click, click, click camera
Are you tired of where you've gone?
And you think you might belong
In a moment when you step out of the rain?
And you've ended up in someone else's frame?
And they're memory now is never quite the same
And they never even thought to ask your name
Take another picture with your click, click, click, click camera
Nun aber endgültig zur Musi: Bishop Allen: CLICK CLICK CLICK usw.
(Der Song ist anscheinend auch für eine Kamerawerbung verwendet worden, was zum Glück an mir vorbeigegangen ist). Die Nummer kann man übrigens auch hier downloaden.
I had ducked out of the rain
Into Maria's wedding day
And I sat there with her friends
And with her family
And I was happy
I wasn't someone they'd invite
Because I didn't know the groom
Or know the bride
But when I stood next to her brother
For the photograph
He was laughing
Take another picture with your click, click, click, click camera
Sure, I've got pictures of my own
Of the people and the places that I've known
Here's one: I'm carrying your suitcase
Outside of Alphabet City
But in someone else's life
Where Maria is a wife
I'm on the mantle in the corner of the photograph
Smiling pretty
Take another picture with your click, click, click, click camera
Are you tired of where you've gone?
And you think you might belong
In a moment when you step out of the rain?
And you've ended up in someone else's frame?
And they're memory now is never quite the same
And they never even thought to ask your name
Take another picture with your click, click, click, click camera
silmanja - 15. Feb, 16:52
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